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what amino acids are essential cheapest amino acids Manufacturer

Speaking of amino acids, you might think of protein. Amino acids are an important part of protein, and amino acids can maintain protein activity. Among the nutrients our human body needs, amino acids are also indispensable, and there are many kinds of amino acids needed by the human body. what amino acids are essential

1. Methionine

Methionine oil is called methionine. It is mainly involved in the composition of hemoglobin, tissue and serum, and promotes the functions of spleen, pancreas and lymph; when the body lacks methionine, there will be loss of appetite, slow growth or no weight gain, kidney enlargement and liver Iron accumulation and other phenomena eventually lead to liver necrosis or fibrosis.

2. Valine

Valine mainly acts on the corpus luteum, breast and ovary. When valine is insufficient, the nervous system is prone to confusion. The liver function of patients with advanced liver cirrhosis is damaged, and it is easy to cause hyperinsulinemia. Therefore, branched chain amino acids such as valine are often injected. Treatment of liver failure and other diseases, in addition, valine can also be used as a therapeutic agent to accelerate wound healing.

3. Lysine

As one of the essential amino acids of the human body, lysine is of great significance in health care and clinical nutrition. Especially in the growth and development period of children, the recovery period after illness and the pregnancy and lactation period, the nutritional requirements of lysine are extremely high. Amino acid is regarded as one of the important indicators of the nutritional value of food. Lack of lysine can cause physiological dysfunction such as stunting, loss of appetite, anemia, and dysplasia of teeth. Lysine is mainly used as a nutrient to increase appetite in children during the nutritional recovery period.

4. Isoleucine

Isoleucine is essential for the growth of adults, children, and infants. Lack of isoleucine can cause skeletal muscle disorders. However, when supplementing amino acids, isoleucine should maintain an appropriate ratio with other amino acids. Excessive amount of acid will produce nutritional antagonism and cause a balanced consumption of other amino acids.

5. Phenylalanine

After being ingested by food, phenylalanine is partly used to synthesize protein, and partly converted into tyrosine by the action of phenylalanine hydroxylase in the liver, and then converted into other physiologically active substances, which participate in eliminating the loss of kidney and bladder function.

6. Leucine

Leucine is one of the eight amino acids necessary to maintain the balance of the human body. Lack of leucine in children can cause idiopathic hyperglycemia. Supplementing leucine can cause blood sugar to drop rapidly. Leucine is suitable for disorders of glucose metabolism accompanied by bile Reduced secretion of liver disease, anemia, poisoning and other diseases, so leucine can be used as a component of injections and a variety of tonics.

7. Tryptophan

Tryptophan can promote the production of gastric juice and pancreatic juice. Tryptophan can transform serotonin, an important neurotransmitter in the human brain, and can improve sleep time. When tryptophan is lacking, there will be neurological hallucinations and Insomnia and other diseases, serotonin has vasoconstriction effect. After injury, the body will release serotonin to stop bleeding. Medicine often uses tryptophan as an anti-pain agent, anti-spasmodic agent, gastric secretion regulator, etc.

8. Threonine

Threonine can promote phospholipid synthesis and fatty acid oxidation in the human body, and has the effect of anti-fatty liver. The chelate of threonine and iron has a good anti-anemia effect. The content of cereal protein is low. The utilization rate of amino acid is extremely low, so threonine is an important nutrient like lysine. Lack of threonine can cause loss of appetite, fatty liver, testicular atrophy and other symptoms. Supplementing threonine can restore normal symptoms.

9. Histidine

Histidine is an essential amino acid for growth and development of infants and young children, but it is a non-essential amino acid for adults. Adults can synthesize histidine by themselves. Children under 10 cannot synthesize histidine. It can only be supplied by food protein. Histidine is mainly used With the regulation of metabolism, it can reduce the acidity of gastric juice, prevent anemia, reduce vomiting and stomach burning sensation during pregnancy.

10. The role of amino acids

1. It can excrete toxic substances from the human body and effectively reduce the damage caused by radiation and pollution to the human body. Eliminate the body’s metabolites after strenuous exercise, speed up the recovery of mental and physical.

2. The a-keto acid produced by the catabolism of amino acids will be metabolized along the metabolic pathways of sugar or lipid with different characteristics, and then synthesize new amino acids, which are converted into sugars and fats to release energy for the body.

3. Amino acids constitute proteins, which give proteins a specific molecular structure and promote the normal metabolism of the body. Different amino acids have different effects and are indispensable to the human body.